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February Updates

Wow what a month! February has absolutely flown by, and so much has happened. Thanks to record growth in the past 2 months I’ve spent almost every waking minute working (almost) tirelessly on the project, with the majority of that time spent working directly with both new and existing customers on their websites.

Somehow throughout the madness several enhancements have been made to the platform as a whole, and there’s even a new app in town!

Introducing the new Popups app, available on the Ultimate plan, allows you to add customisable popovers to your site and define a set of rules for how and when they display. Perfect for promoting flash sales or a newsletter.

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The Product Tab Manager app now has a new feature allowing global product tabs to be set globally per product category.

The Font Awesome icon library available in the Page Builder has been updated to the latest release, which includes several new icons including envelopes, SnapChat, and even a bathtub.

The breadcrumbs on product pages have been buffed, and will now track the category path a user takes to get to that product rather than showing the first alphabetical category tree the product is in (if it’s in multiple product categories).

The admin bar will no longer show a “My Sites” menu if you’re only the admin of 1 site (this affects the majority of you). The reason behind this was to make the admin bar a little more user friendly and less overwhelming. More updates to the admin bar are planned for the near future.

To compensate the added growth of the platform, the server’s available RAM and storage have been doubled. Perhaps not entirely a big deal to any of you, but it certainly is to my wallet. Because of this I’ve had to rethink the pricing structure of the Email and SSL packages available to more accurately reflect the added load on the server these packages actually have.

Speaking of extra packages, you can now buy extra storage space for your website if you’re close to hitting the limit for whichever plan you’re on, with monthly and yearly options available. (There’s also a new monthly payment option for email packages). A button will now appear on your admin dashboard when you’re close to reaching your storage limit.

This website has gotten some much-needed love. The Showcase page has been updated to display a custom screenshot of each site rather than an automatically generated one that 9 times out of 10 didn’t display the fully loaded homepage if there was any animated entrance effects, and also resolving an issue where sometimes a visit to the showcase would cause a significant server RAM usage spike. The account dashboard has also had some work, with the “Account Overview” tab being merged with the “My Sites” tab.

It’s time to say goodbye to 3 apps from the offerings: Viral Coupon, Composite Products, and Post Requirements Checklist. Don’t worry, nobody has lost anything (Nobody was using these apps – Literally nobody), and they were all added a long time ago for specific projects that have since changed direction.

And lastly, testing has begun on a brand new integration with the wonderful guys over at Printful which will make setting up your own dropshipping business with custom printed products from them so much easier, but more on that later.

That’s all for February! Until next time…